21 Following


Currently reading

Off the Record
K.A. Linde
The Secret
Julie Garwood
The Wedding
Julie Garwood
Honor's Splendour
Julie Garwood
The Prize
Julie Garwood
The Gift
Julie Garwood
The Bride
Julie Garwood
Devil in Winter
Lisa Kleypas
Bound by Lies
Hanna Peach
Come to Me Quietly
A.L. Jackson

A Kingdom of Dreams

A Kingdom of Dreams - Judith McNaught 2 It-Was-TOO-Unrealistic-For-A-Book-With-THAT-Rating Stars

Word memos:

naughty kid - abbey - kidnapped - CRUEL (*hint*) - PISSED OFF (*hint*) - run away (*hint*) - sent home (*hint*)

p/s: the hints are for the fucking UNREALISTIC parts ~